
sitecore mvc tutorial creating your first sitecore mvc-website

copyright from: In my last post I wrote about setting up your Sitecore solution . I’m now going to extend that to creating your first Sitecore MVC website. This post will build upon the solution created in my other post using TDS and code generation. I’ll keep this post just to the basics of getting the site up an running and then will write further posts to cover the different areas of Sitecore MVC. For this post I’m just going to download a free HTML template and implement it with Sitecore. The template I’ve chosen is for a business website and can be downloaded here . First I’m going to take the css and images and add them to my solution. I’ve created a folder called ‘Assets’ and inside that two folders, ‘css’ and ‘img’ and copied the css and images from the downloaded template to these folders. After importing the assets I need to open style.css and do a bulk replace on ‘images/’ to ‘/assets/img/’ as that’s where I put the images for my solution. Next I

Install MongoDB 3.2.7 for Sitecore 8.x in one step!

copyright from: Install MongoDB 3.2.7 for Sitecore 8.x in one step using Windows PowerShell. Create a new file Sitecore_MongoDB_Install.ps1 and paste contents from Open Windows PowerShell ISE console as an Administrator. Open the PowerShell file you just created and run it. If you get the error:  Sitecore_MongoDB_Install.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system . Run  Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned  in your PowerShell console followed by the execution of the PowerShell file. This will install the latest MongoDB 3.2.7 as of June 14th 2016 on your machine. I added code to Unblock a zip file downloaded onto windows. This WILL cause issues as windows sees this as unsafe. Get-ChildItem  -Path   $mongoDbPath   -Recurse   |  Unblock-File $mongoDbPath = "$env:SystemDrive\MongoDB" $mongoDbConfigPath = "$mongoDbPath\mong

Troubleshooting Sitecore 8 XP Analytics

Copyright from: Running Sitecore 8 and your analytics database doesn't seem to be collecting data? We've assembled some helpful tips. This post pertains to on-premise xDB deployments; Sitecore xDB Cloud Edition has a separate analytics configuration, although many of these steps would apply there as well. You’ve got a brand-new installation of Sitecore 8 up and running and you’ve followed the installation instructions and wrestled Mongo to the ground. But sadly, your analytics reports remain empty – they’re not recording the interactions on your website. What gives? We’ve spent a fair amount of time troubleshooting this and helping our clients get rolling. Below are helpful steps to try: 1.   Let’s start with the (not-so) obvious: is Mongo running? Particularly in development environments, it can be easy to forget if you did not configure Mongo as a service. Ensure your Mongo is running and use a tool such as MongoVUE to monitor raw